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Dallas Slow Streets Pilot Now Accepting First 10 Applications


In response to COVID-19, the City of Dallas is announcing a pilot grogram called Dallas Slow Streets. The program allows neighbors to nominate their streets as Slow Streets with a 30-day permit. For this pilot, 10 lucky neighborhoods to receive the designation on a first-come, first-approved, first-served rotation.

Why a Slow Street?

The program is designed for a single block on low-traffic, neighborhood streets where the Slow Streets designation can provide a safer place for kids and families to bike, walk, play basketball, and be active in the street on their block.

One lane in either direction will be blocked by barricades and cones, Slow Streets temporary painted stencils will add reminders in the street itself throughout the block, and the individual submitting the application will serve as the "Block Captain" to field questions from neighbors.

Streets will be closed to through-traffic, but remain accessible for local traffic, service and emergency vehicles, and deliveries.

An Instagram example of a Slow Street in Alameda, Ca

The Application

Slow Streets applicants must collect signatures of support from 25% of residents, notify all residents on the block, and submit the application through the City of Dallas Public Works website.

Our team at Amanda Popken Development is available

to assist interested residents with notifying neighbors, collecting signatures, and submitting application documents.

Program Details

Dallas Slow Streets pilot program is in partnership with the City of Dallas, Better Block Foundation, Coalition for a New Dallas, BikeDFW, Amanda Popken Development, and Council office, District 1.

Share your Slow Street with #DallasSlowStreets

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